Monday, December 5, 2011
Benefits of Walking and Running Barefoot
Sunday, November 20, 2011
1 White Lantern
2 Solar powered
1 Hand-cranked
3 Button
1 iPhone 4S
2 EL Wire
1 Headlamp
I don't know why, but I like my flashlights. I have twelve of my own... 5 in my room, one in the hall, and the rest down stairs. I know that seems a little excessive, but it is nice during times like now when the power is on the fritz and you want to see what is around you. It is odd, the power is not completely out, but just enough that most things don't work, but battery chargers and adapters do. And the LED nightlight. Right now I am typing on my cellphone this post using a bluetooth keyboard under the glow of 3 meters of EL wire. A recent acquisition, This very thin plastic wire with a small copper wire in it gives a bright glow for about 12 hours using just two AA batteries. I can see my future dream house lined like the aisles of a movie theater in this stuff, so a power outage does not stop me from wandering around and not step on a catmine.
Another almost necessity is glow-in-the-dark-tape. I first saw this stuff in high school, as we used it to mark out the end of the stage so people don't walk off like they do on America's Got Talent. Every flashlight and water bottle has between 3 and 7 pieces of tape to guarentee visibility from any view angle. Best way to charge the tape? Oddly enough its a UV bulb I got for when I DJ. Too bad that requires house power. Hey Mom...I have another item to add to my Christmas list.
Oh want to see what EL wire looks like:
Friday, September 9, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Wait Wait Please Do Tell Me!
Ok, my mom read this and told me that what I thought my have been misunderstood. Let me go back to the story, Roy Lester was a guard in New York. He wears a tightish swimsuit that goes almost down to the knees. This is what he normally wears when guarding, as compared to regular swimsuits, because regular swimsuits can slow him down. He had a choice between wearing a speedo, which will keep him moving fast, or failing by not doing the swim. He chose not to wear a speedo or a loose swimsuit, so he was fired.
A lifeguard should tested in whatever clothing they wish. If they wish to swim in a sweatsuit they can...and if they pass, then does it matter what they wear? They have proven that they can perform a rescue yet watch the water comfortably. His choice, and others, in swimwear should not prevent testing...just test on swimming ability. If he had dressed like this in prior summers, then he should be simply grandfathered in.
One of the city's swim requirement that they have listed is swimming 100 yards in 75 seconds. The lifeguard training I was given was that you must always be within a 25 second swim from any swimmers (45 seconds for swimmers with a lifejacket *shiver in horror*). I know that for myself I can swim 25 yards in 22 seconds with a lifeguard tube, 15 seconds without a tube while sprinting. There are two differences between a rescue swim and a regular timed swim. When doing a time swim you are keeping your head in the water, so you can move thru the water faster. During a rescue you must keep your head above water so that you can keep watch over your victim. You also normally have a tube under your arms or chest to keep ready until you get close to your victim. I should also mention I am only tested on 25 yards due to always being in a pool of that size, and I never taught myself how to do flip turns when becoming a lifeguard, so I can't do a further distance when being timed in a pool.
According to the Red Cross requirements (what I am certified under), there is no unassisted hearing or vision requirements, as so long as the candidate can perform the rescue. As long as the candidate is over 15, age has no impact behind initial certification.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Wait Wait Do Tell Me!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
♬This is the end, my friends♬
♬This is the end, my friends♬
Yesterday was beach takedown day. I am officially done guarding for the summer :( At least the water was warm when I went in to bring in the buoy. I am going to miss that beach and the loons that come out to visit. Some days the water was nice and clear, sometimes it was mirky. Occasionally the minks would come out and tease me with the fact I didn’t have my camera with me. I’m going to miss swimming under water about 15 feet to pick up two cement blocks and start walking them thru thick, deep mud to put the buoy back to where it should be. I got to work with some of the best lifeguards Northern Wisconsin.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
2000? Already?
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Local Stores
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Behold a new sport!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Seagull Hunting
Friday, August 12, 2011
A happy day and connected ramblings
I lifeguarded yesterday too. It started off with some annoying kids, but they left and things got interesting. There was a group of girls here, maybe 6 or 7, all roughly 12 +- 4 (I suck at guessing age). They were nice and behaved, just how I like lifeguarding (besides young families here). Normally nothing I would write about but glad to have days like. These girls made my day weird enough though, and all it took was popcorn.
They would take a bag of cheesy popcorn and rub it on their face then jump into the water. I don't know why but it was just funny watching them having orange faces and jumping into the water.
I know that doesn't sound that special, but the last few times guarding it has been stressful as people don't listen to the rules and constantly ask when we are going home so they can break the rules.
Oh, and before you think wearing popcorn into the water is weird it's not. Last year some boys found a can of shaving cream and would cover themselves in the cream. Not great for the water, but not knowing what is in it, it wasn't enough to tell them to stop. Shaving cream bottles hold a lot of cream! Back when I was guarding at my YMCA, I did have to kick kids out of the pool after they coated themselves in soap from the shower, and were going to jump in the pool.
I don't think that would have been as bad as what one friend back at my Y thought of. We had a slide there, so he thought (though did not do) you could take liquid soap, put it into a bag, and pop it on the slide. The slide would have mixed it up and make the water all bubbly. I am curious as to what that would look like, but please don't try that at home. (recently thought about a water balloon of food coloring in a pool and how much it would take to stain someone. Or in a mean approach of that, in general, throwing a food color filled water balloon at someone and how bad that would stain them. Youtube time!)
Actuality the idea of soap on the slide would have been nice one day at the Y. Islam (and I think other cultures) require full body or head covering, and apparently even while swimming. We had a girl come in covered in cloth as required by her beliefs and went down the slide. Unlike swimsuits and skin, cotton is not very slick. She was stuck on the slide all the way down, resulting in doing a crab walk all the way down a 420 degree turn. Hmm, I wonder if they make polyester full body swimsuits that would have met her requirements but still let her slide down the slide. Considering how hot it gets out where Islam is most common, pools with slides would have already found that a problem and found a solution. Must be like cool technology...always slow to come to America.
From the guy with the eye on the sky and water enjoying a beautiful day, Travis, the on-hiatus camping lifeguard.
:) :D
Sorry couldn't help it
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wait! No! Don't Leave!
The Camping Lifeguard is going on a camping hiatus. I have been asked to house sit until the 20th. I am going to miss camping, but for the next 10 days I can have cold stuff like ice cream, chocolate milk, and cookie dough.
It also leaves the campsite more room, which they are expecting about 200 people for an educational thing. They will need all the room they can get!
I will still post as I have material, but there might be less than normal.
From the guy with his eye on the sky, Travis...the camping lifeguard
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Day Off
From the guy with his eye on the sky, Travis...the camping lifeguard
The Aurora
Last night I had to go to the bathroom before going to sleep and it was bright out. Didn't take long to look up and see the Aurora was out and dancing. A frantic rush to my camera and I got some of the pictures you see here on the right.
Unforchently digital cameras suck at this. There were three lines of lights, the line directly overhead would pulse like a rave. Below that (more north) was a small layer of green glow, then the main system. Again, my camera doesn't do justice. The aurora was bright enough that I could see my shadow on the ground. When you look at the pictures I took, most of them used a 60 second shutter and then were digitally lightened.
Click on the image to see a larger version!
From the guy with his eye on the sky, Travis...the camping lifeguard
Oh, and while I was watching I played with the fire too!

Do you have the key?
Act 1 Scene 1
Setting: A day at the beach. Swimmer and Lifeguard are on the dock. Down at the beach is a green row boat
Swimmer: Can we take the boat out?
Lifeguard: Sure.
S: Cool! (runs down the dock)
LG: (shouting) Don’t forget the boat plug!
S: plug?
LG: Yea, plugs the hole in the boat that is used to drain it.
S: Oh….we will use a stick (starts walking down to the beach. Stops and turns to friends and LG) Dude, there is a chain on it.
LG: Yep.
S: Do you have the key?
LG: No, it’s in the lifeguarding house.
S: Oh (gets ready to head to the house) is it locked?
LG: Yep.
S: Where is the key to the house?
LG: In my car.
S: Which one is that?
LG: Green one.
S: Is it locked?
LG: Yes
S: Where are they keys to that?
LG: I’m not letting you into my car!
S: Oh (walks back to diving board disappointed)
LG: Besides, you would need the paddles anyways.
S: Where are those?
LG: One is in the lifeguard house, the other doesn’t fit the boat
Act 1 Scene 2
Setting: NC pool. About a dozen swimmers in the water. Swimmer and lifeguard are talking
Swimmer: Can we use one of the kiaycks?
Lifeguard: Not right now.
S: When?
LG: During open boating.
S: When is that?
LG: During the school year
S: Just a quick ride?
LG: Sure
S: (start walking to the boats, LG smiles) Hey, they are chained up
LG: Yea.
S: Can I get the key?
LG: Sure (points to the key box)
S: What is the combonation?
LG: I belive it’s 135680
S: It doesn’t work
LG: Yea, they changed it
S: What about that boat, it doesnt look chained (points to an unchained boat against the next wall)
LG: No!
From the guy with his eye on the sky, Travis...the camping lifeguard
Friday, August 5, 2011
I mentioned with Baydays last month I had to call the police three times to remove people from the beach, one of them I shall call Dude. Dude was removed because he went over the railing twice. On Sunday while lifeguarding Dude came down with his buddies to swim.
It was a beutifle day (though you would never know by my spelling) with calm, warm water, warm air, and no swimmers. My co-guard and I went in the water to hang out and swim and I swam out to scare seagulls away, as they are annoying, fight with children for food, and increase our e-coli levels.
On my swim back to the dock, Dude came to the diving board. He and a buddy were standing on the diving board, which we allow only one at a time, so I asked someone to get down. After I got onto the dock, the three boys walked down to the other lifeguard. They talked to her for a bit then the boys left. I asked later and I was told Dude and his buddies asked if she could trade locations with me because I had called the police on him before.
Yes, this is a true story! Not many people are dumb enough to say they have gotten in trouble before. Oh, and my co-guard, she enforces different rules to a different extent than me, but if you get in trouble, its worse than when you get in trouble with me.
From the guy with his eye on the sky, Travis...the camping lifeguard
Thursday, August 4, 2011
And a two
It has now been two months from today that I officially became the camping lifeguard. It is August, swim lessons are done after 80+ kids, the Forth of July has passed, Bay Days went by with incident. We have had warm water, heavy rains, and hot days.
Swimming in the lake, I think about what I miss about home, but how much I love being out here. I miss my mom and dad, my sister and brother, all of the cats. I miss being a continual system admin at home, and having computers for video and image processing.
I really like being up here though. I feel happy, and not stressed. I know my parents don’t want to read this but I wish I could stay here past the summer...even all year if winters didn’t get too cold in a tent.
There are a few things I have learned for next year. Next year I want to bring my smaller tent. My six person tent is way too big and I only use about half of it. I have a two person tent that I can use all of since I am so tall I have to sleep at a diagnal. There is a water source up here, so I don’t need as many water jugs. There are other things I don’t need, like some cables and flashlights. I think the only thing I want more of is blankets and another pillow.
And maybe a cat.
From the guy with his eye on the sky, Travis...the camping lifeguard
Thursday, July 28, 2011
I didn’t think it would happen, yet it did! I have had 1,000 blog visits! Actually 1,005 at this moment.
Blogger, the blog hosting company I am using here keeps track of visits and information about those visits. For example:
- The most popular blog post is Camp Sweet Camp with 19 views.
- The website which sends the most people to my blog is (Hi Grandma!), followed by
- Need to Google my blog? 3 people have found by blog by searching for “the camping lifeguard.
- Most of my views are from the US, but 13 are from Germany (Hi Lauren!)
- By computer operating system, 62% of readers use a Mac, 36% use Linux, and 4 views are from Linux (Hi Cousins!)
- However, even though 62% of readers are on the Mac, only 59% use Safari, others (20% of total) use Firefox, which is more popular than Internet Explorer (12%). Good job on being secure people!
- Someone uses SimplePie to view my blog, which is an RSS reader.
- Since I have 1000 views, and 50 posts now, divide and there are about 20 viewers to my blog.
That might not sound right (and a few other numbers), and there is a reason for that. Blogger counts a view for a blog when someone uses their browser (not an RSS reader) to view the blog. When someone reads a preticular article by clicking on a link to that article, it counts the article read and blog read. Going to the blogs main page (, simply scrolling to read does not count for individual reads, just as a visit. Using a bookmark or typing the address in manually does not contain reference information.
Now how did I know who did what reads? Blogger does not tell me individual readers; however, I know that my grandmother uses Netzero to check her email and that is how she goes to view my blog. I know one person who lives in Germany, a friend who went to high school with me. Linux is a fairly complex operating system and the only readers I know who use Linux is my cousins.
From the guy with his eye on the sky, Travis...The camping lifeguard
Monday, July 25, 2011
And now a word from our sponsor:
Is there someone you want to get got? Is there someone who is just too perfect? Is there someone who you need to get a laugh from? Does your child need more punishment than just a grounding? Want to show that special someone just how BAD you are? Well, from the creators of Devil’s Food Cake on a Trident and the Hotter than Heck Air Conditioner comes from the bowls of Earth, a new product that’s fun for the whole family...its the Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket!
Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket is a new product line from Devils We Are, designed for mischief, mayhem, and downright craziness! These small little baskets pack a big punch of different trouble for your target.
Vikings going against the Packers? The Winter Wonderland will make sure the Packers are packed in snow at home!
Is your girlfriend heading down to the Bahamas for her honeymoon with your best bro? Hurricane Happiness will sweep them off their feet!
A Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket comes at the amazing price of $8.99! That is only $8.99 for a basket of chaos, mayhem, and madness!
But with our wonderful success, we can off your TWO Heck-in-a-Hand-Baskets for only a dollar more!
Phonelines are open now so call 1866-666-6663 (They won’t let us have the last 6)
There are 30 Heck-in-a-Hand-Baskets to choose from, including Wind, Rain, Thunder; Who let the Dogs Out, Lions Tigers and Bears Oh My, Plagues of Plagues, The Trees are Alive, and Apocalypse Now!
Hear what one of our Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket recipients said:
It was an amazing night, I had been asleep for an hour, when all of a sudden a strong wind hit my tent and almost blew me away. I collapsed my tent to prevent it from breaking and drove away to shelter. The next morning it was still very windy but clear out, so I left for some breakfast, only for half an inch of rain to fall. Now my tent is a pool and all my clothing is soaked!
The next day I found a note from Mother Nature saying “Happy Summer Break. Enjoy this Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket!” I think she enjoyed it more than me!
Thats right, for five extra dollars Mother Nature will hand deliver your Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket, and the receiver will never know its from you.
Still not convinced? We understand it can be hard to wrap your head around some of our amazing products we make, so every caller will receive a free Mini-Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket. Our Mini-Hecks are great for the living room, kitchen, or bedroom. All Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket are available as Mini-Hecks, but we also have a special Mini-Heck, ADHD Kids on Sugar!
Mini-Hecks are also available at ten for five dollars! Take them, toss them, and run away. All Mini-Hecks include a one minute fuse, so you never have to be caught in the eye of distraction! Don’t worry, all Mini-Hecks and Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket are child proof to prevent unwanted chaos, and child and pet safe to protect the innocent.
Mischief and Mayhem sound too intresting, but can’t afford a Mini-Heck or Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket? Ask our representives about the Dirty Deeds Deal. In exchange for your soul to our CEO, Devils We Are will send you a Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket every week for the rest of your mortal life! Just follow the directions on where and when to deploy the Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket, and your mortal life will keep on going, with many more Heck-in-a-Hand-Baskets to come. If you miss a mission, don’t worry; our loving CEO will simply add you to our staff of Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket testers. Learn what new Heck-in-a-Hand-Baskets we are working on before anyone else knows.
Just call 1-866-666-6663 and get yourself on your way to Heck!
Fade to black
Quickly fade back
Oh I forgot to tell you! Most people avoid products like these due to the Shipping and Handling costs being twice the product, but Devils We Are is able to offer all of their products shipping and handling for free!
Remember, call 1866-666-6663 for a free Mini-Heck, and to order your first Heck-in-a-Hand-Basket! Call Now!
©DWA 2011
All Heck!
I even get to be in the commercial!
From the mobile guy with his eye on the sky: Travis
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Rose is Rose
Woo Tech