Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Mother Earth Water Walk Part 2

The Water Walk was today (Sunday). When the group I have been hanging out with got back from breakfast, we walked down the beach to where the walk was going to finish and the water from the 4 corners, the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico, and Hudson Bay, would meet and come together. As we waited for the water, many of the kids, including kids not with the group, and I went to throw and skip rocks while the adults talked. The atmosphere there felt like a family reunion; people may not have known each other directly, but we have so much in common that we skipped the talk and had fun. After a while of rock skipping (I got 7 skips, a personal best) and searching for the best rocks, the water started arriving. We climbed the hill to watch the walkers pass, and I don’t know how but the girl I was standing next to knew exactly which walkers were from which direction. Once all the water arrived, we (about 100 spectators) went down for a prayer to the spirits. I unfortunately could not hear what they said.

I wish I had more to write about but I am afraid I missed many of the events as I did not know the Water Walk was going on until Thursday. However at www.motherearthwaterwalk.com they have more information, videos, and audio to hear more about the ceremony and previous walks.

From the guy with his eye on the sky, Travis...the camping lifeguard

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